Sunday, May 24, 2020

Cómo obtener una visa para trabajo temporal en EE.UU.

Para trabajar legalmente en Estados Unidos es requisito tener uno de los varios documentos que lo permiten. Obviamente, los ciudadanos de los EE.UU. pueden trabajar, pero tambià ©n los titulares de las tarjetas de residencia permanente, conocida como green card, o los migrantes en situaciones especiales que les permiten solicitar un permiso de trabajo como, por ejemplo, asilados, muchachos con DACA o extranjeros en proceso de ajuste de estatus. Pero tambià ©n existe la posibilidad de tener una visa que autorice a trabajar por un periodo de tiempo determinado. Para obtener una de dichas visas es necesario que el perfil del trabajador extranjero se ajuste a las caracterà ­sticas del visado y que el trabajador encuentre empresa dispuesta a patrocinarlo. Ademà ¡s, es imprescindible que la empresa inicie los trà ¡mites En la mayorà ­a de los casos eso implica un proceso ante el Departamento de Trabajo y el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Solamente cuando la empresa patrocinadora ha hecho todos los trà ¡mites que exige la visa que quiere patrocinar puede el trabajador solicitar la visa en un consulado o Embajada de los Estados Unidos Listado de visas para trabajar en EE.UU. Cada aà ±o se otorgan cientos de miles de visados de trabajo temporales en diferentes categorà ­as, cada una con sus propios requisitos. El primer paso para obtener visa de trabajo es informarse sobre si se cumplen los requisitos de perfil de cada una de ellas. Las principales son: E-3, para trabajadores australianosC1/D, para miembros tripulacià ³n cruceroG-1 a G-5, organizaciones internacionalesH-1B, profesionales con conocimientos altamente especializados o modelosH-1B1, profesionales con conocimientos especiales de ChileH-1A, trabajadores en agriculturaH-2B, trabajadores no especializados en trabajos no agrà ­colasI, periodistaL-1, tranfers entre empresasO, profesionales con habilidad extraordinaria en Arte, Ciencias, Educacià ³n, Deportes o NegociosP, artistas, atletas y espectà ¡culosR, religiososTN, para profesionales mexicanos y canadienses que aplican solo a los profesionalistas con trabajos incluidos en un listado oficial. Cà ³mo encontrar patrocinador para visa trabajo en EE.UU. Sin una empresa estadounidense que actà ºe como patrocinadora, no hay visa de trabajo. Sin embargo, ninguna persona extranjera puede ingresar a EE.UU. con la intencià ³n de buscar trabajo. Por lo tanto, es complicado el proceso de obtener patrocinador. El primer paso para intentarlo es preguntar a personas que han tenido o tienen una visa de trabajo temporal y solicitar los contactos en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos o sobre reclutadores que trabajen para esas empresas. Si no hay resultados positivos, es el momento de buscar directamente patrocinador. Se estima que solo 1 de cada 16 empresas de Estados Unidos patrocinan visas temporales, ello es debido a la complejidad de los trà ¡mites y a que es caro. Sin embargo, las empresas que en el pasado han patrocinado, son estadà ­sticamente mà ¡s favorables a volverlo a hacer. Por esta razà ³n, el siguiente paso en la bà ºsqueda de patrocinador debe ser informarse sobre quà © empresas han contratado extranjeros y con quà © tipo de visa. Por ejemplo, Departamento de Trabajo publica el listado de empresas que han pedido certificados laborales como paso previo a la solicitud de visa. Este es un buen camino particularmente para visas como la H-1B para profesionales. En el caso de buscar un H-2A o H-2B, es importante informarse sobre los reclutadores que operan en terceros paà ­ses como, por ejemplo, Mà ©xico. Es importante verificar la reputacià ³n de los reclutadores para evitar fraude. Para algunas visas agencias privadas trabajan habitualmente con empresas para ayudarles a seleccionar trabajadores. Por ejemplo, en el caso de cruceros. Si asà ­ tampoco se obtiene patrocinador, se puede intentar en bases de datos conocidas, en la red social LinkedIn o, incluso, para algunas visas como la H-1B es posible contactar con universidades, para el caso de profesores o investigadores, y tambià ©n con consultoras boutique o grandes tipo TCS o WIPRO. El problema con las consultoras es que pueden pedir dinero por este servicio y las leyes migratorias prohiben el pago de una cuota para obtener una visa de trabajo. Esto podrà ­a dar problemas en el momento de solicitar la visa o, incluso, aà ±os mà ¡s tarde. Finalmente, existen servicios como el de USponsor Me que analizan el perfil del trabajador en busca de patrocinador y determinan si cumplen los requisitos para una visa de trabajo e indican cuà ¡les son las empresas que buscan ese perfil y està ¡n dispuestas a patrocinar. Trà ¡mites para una visa de trabajo y costo para empresa La empresa debe seguir un trà ¡mite burocrà ¡tico que puede ser complicado para patrocinar, de ahà ­ que muchas veces se recurra a una agencia o a un bufete de abogados especialista en este tipo de gestiones. En algunos casos, como por ejemplo en el de la H-1B para profesionales y modelos es preciso realizar un paso previo antes de contactar con las autoridades de inmigracià ³n: pedir una Aplicacià ³n de Certificacià ³n Laboral al Departamento de Trabajo. La empresa patrocinadora debe rellenar y enviar al USCIS la planilla I-129 y pagar la tarifa correspondiente. Una excepcià ³n a esta regla son  las visas C1/D de tripulacià ³n—todo tipo de trabajadores—para trabajar en cruceros es suficiente que la naviera extienda un contrato de trabajo y envà ­e una carta oficial al tripulante para que pueda solicitar visa en el consulado. Si la solicitud de visa es aprobada por el USCIS, a continuacià ³n se empieza a gestionar la visa para el trabajador extranjero solicità ¡ndola al consulado correspondiente. La solicitud puede ser negada en cualquier momento de su tramitacià ³n si faltan documentos, si el trabajador no cumple con los requisitos de la visa o si à ©ste es inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos. El coste para la empresa de la visa de trabajo es caro. La tarifa del formulario I-129 es de $460. Ademà ¡s, dependiendo de las circunstancias la empresa debe pagar la tarifa de deteccià ³n de fraude ($500), cumplir con la Ley de Competitividad Americana ($750 a $1500) y si tiene mà ¡s de 50 empleados o mà ¡s del 50 por ciento de sus trabajadores son extranjeros debe pagar entre $4000 y $4500 mà ¡s. Ademà ¡s, si utilizan los servicios de un abogado deberà ¡ pagar sus honorarios. Puntos Clave: visas de trabajo Existen numerosas visas de trabajo temporal para Estados Unidos pero es necesario tener un patrocinador estadounidense que inicie todo el trà ¡mite y brinde un contrato. Sin esos requisitos no se puede solicitar dicha visa.Principales visas de trabajo: H-1B (profesionales y modelos), H-2A (agricultura), H-2B (trabajo no especializado no agrà ­cola), O (trabajadores con habilidad extraordinaria en Arte, Ciencias, Deporte, Educacià ³n o Negocios), TN (profesionales mexicanos).Trà ¡mites: Puede ser necesario como primer paso que la empresa obtenga un Certificado laboral del Departamento de Trabajo. La empresa debe solicitar al USCIS un trabajador extranjero mediante el formulario I-129. Solo si USCIS aprueba peticià ³n puede solicitarse visa de trabajo en consulado.Costo: ademà ¡s de abogados, tarifa del I-129 ($460 por trabajador) mà ¡s gastos adicionales como deteccià ³n de fraude, cumplimiento de la ley sobre competitividad americana y cargo a empresas con mà ¡s de 50 emplea dos o con mà ¡s del 50 por ciento de extranjeros en la fuerza laboral. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Risk Management Program For New Employees - 1144 Words

The risk management program in any business, especially in a health care organization is an integral part of its day to day operation. The purpose of the risk management department is summed up by Kavaler Alexander (2014), â€Å"†¦a program designed to reduce the incidence of preventable accidents and injuries to minimize the financial loss to the institution should any accident or injury occur† (p. 5). Protecting employees, patients, vendors and visitors is an ongoing process and one that needs to be updated when the healthcare organization has deemed necessary. This paper will demonstrate the importance of presenting the risk management program to new employees, compliance with the standards set forth by the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM), propose recommendations or changes needed to further improve the program, as well as examine the administrative process of managing a risk program. Presenting Risk Management Program to New Employees Even before an employee is presented with offer of employment letter, the process of presenting the risk management program begins with ensuring the person is physically capable of doing the intended job as well as documenting any physical disabilities or limitations he/she may have and documentation of specific immunizations. This exam should be completed by the health care organization’s occupational health physician. Proper certification of clinician’s license and other credentials, finger printing and conducting aShow MoreRelatedElements Of A Risk Management Program1400 Words   |  6 PagesElements of a risk management program Introduction Quality and safety of care are the biggest goals of every health care organization. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comunication Nowadays Free Essays

I do not think so, they are just preferring those ways to communicate because they’re fast, convenient and fun. First, they are very fast. We live in a world where communication is a very important thing. We will write a custom essay sample on Comunication Nowadays or any similar topic only for you Order Now Suppose you’re on a long trip and having a call to home to your cruel wife is must be required, how would you react? Of course, the mobile phone will be your best friend in this case. You can also save time and shorten four call is not received instantaneous by testing messages, so that the receivers can view your messages whenever hey see their phone. Second, they are convenient. The funny example above just to show that communication nowadays is fast, and it’s not only fast, but it’s also very convenient . One of the features of the mobile phones is allowing users to send messages to multiple recipients at the same time. It’s extremely useful for you when you have to call for many people and the content is the same such as inviting to a party or sending a learning plan for your friends instead of calling one-by-one. Finally, using email or social outworks to communicate with each other are fun ways to keep in touch especially helpful with people who have friends or family members live far away from them. These are a places for you to be creative in your words and get rid of stress through several simple funny emoticons. In addition, email or social networks are also necessary for people who lives abroad such as student. I’ve heard that most student learning aboard said that homesick is very terrible. And they couldn’t imagine how hard of living abroad be without something like email or social networks. The world has been producing many new high technology devices for communicating recently and probably many of more in the future that some people think talking face-to-face daily or using tradition phones like the old fashions. But they are just an easier way to communicate with people. Communication nowadays may be less frequently and directly than the past but things are changed, people have their choices to decide to communicate in their ways. In my opinion, we are communicating better than the past. How to cite Comunication Nowadays, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Modernist and Symbolic Interpretivist Prespectives Sustainability

Question: Discuss about the Modernist and Symbolic Interpretivist Prespectives Sustainability. Answer: Introduction The studies regarding organizational theories are characteristically multidisciplinary. They include various concepts from numerous fields like anthropology, sociology, social psychology, political science, engineering and industrial psychology. Its multifaceted collection of notions and methods to explore information of the organization. Nevertheless, there the prime standpoints or organisational theories are the Modernist, Critical theorist, Symbolic Interpretivist and Postmodernist. These perspectives assist the researchers to create understanding with regard to the organization and recognize methods that could be used to achieve, progress and renovate sustainability of the organizations. In this essay we would explore the modernism and symbol interpretive perspectives and the try to understand them with regards to enhancing and maintaining the sustainability in the organization. The word ontology denotes to a branch of philosophy that that studies assumptions about existence and definitions of reality. It deals with theory of what exists while epistemology refers to how we know what we count as knowledge. In this essay we would primarily analyse two readings namely: The paper would critically evaluate how the ontological and epistemological positions by these readings through light upon the role of modernist and symbolic interpretivist perspective in the organisations sustainability. Modernist and Symbolic Interpretive Theories In order to understand the meta-theoretical perspective of modernist and symbolic interpretive organisational philosophies, we can consider the following four parts. The first part is ontological, for modernism ontology lies in its core of objectivism. Modernist perspective is based on the philosophy that the presence of exterior realism does not depend on our acquaintance about it. While the symbol interpretive ontology relies on subjectivism. It trusts that one is incapable of knowing an exterior or objective presence other than the subjective consciousness about it that one already possesses. The second part is epistemology, which is positivism for the modernism perspective. It trusts in the certainty concluded by effective conceptualization and dependable measurement to assess knowledge. The knowledge accrues, permitting humans to grow and advance. However, in symbol interpretive, certainty is comparative to time and place and the persons finding that meaning. The third part is t heory assumptions, where modernism theory aims to discover regulations which are universal and applicable to every situation. Whereas, symbol interpretive theory tells that people put in efforts to give order and meaning to their knowledge within precise backgrounds. Finally, the fourth part, method of modernism, grounded upon arithmetical means to determine the association among the proposition and the practical world. Like in modernism, to elucidate a social phenomenon collection and analyses of arithmetical data from design of populace is done. While in the symbol interpretive, use of qualitative approaches is done by means of observation and explanation to gather information for evolving theory by inductive procedure (Boist and Mckelvey, 2010). Comparing the two perspectives, we can say that in the modernism perspectives, the empirical realism is obtained only by the use of five senses and repeating its practice. While, in the perspective of symbol interpretive, empirical realism incorporates various types of experiences which are beyond capability of just the five senses like intuition, emotion, understand it better we can take an example, that is when an employee is physically present in office, then modernism perspective would conclude that he is working and his presence is solely sufficient to evaluate that he is performing his duties. However, the symbol interpretive perspective would not believe in mere presence of employee proof of his performance of duties until someone else can experience and authenticate the work done by the employee (Hassard and Pym, 2012). Sustainability As per the readings formulated by Kearins and Gilson (2005), the Editorial: Theoretical perspectives on sustainability and Hatch and Cunliffe (2012), the Organization theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives, the organisations thrive to achieve the sustainability in their growth and success. Sustainability concerns which the todays society and business face are majorly classifies dichotomously with regards to the wide ecological and social issues against the need of organisation to uphold sustainable commercial revenues. Today the decision making in the corporate world is highly dominated by the impulses of short-term capital markets. However, together they suggest a position which is beneficial for both sustainability of the companys profits along with the sustainability of the environment its operating it. Kearins and Gilson (2005) argues about the operation of sustainability as a theoretical construct that has the latent to enlighten practice. Hatch and Cunliffe (2012 ) suggested that the ontology for the modernist perspective includes the objectivism, which believes in steadfast reality which exists outside the human influence, while the symbolic interpretivist perspective ontology put faith in several phenomena that could not be known using the objective ontology. They also emphasised by the modernist view of epistemology is the positivist that assume one can find the reality about on occurring by using the scientific methods while the epistemology for symbolic interpretivist perspective believes that the knowledge can be created and understood only when the contexts is explored that give meaning to that knowledge. Perspective of Modernist and Symbolic Interpretivist theory on sustainability in an organisation The views opined by the modernism and symbol interpretive perspectives about the management, improvement and sustainability of an organisation give different narrative insights. The modernism viewpoint primarily intensive on the power of leaders on understanding the culture and operation of an organisation and putting in practice the tactics that can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the company. As per the modernism, the organization can be considered as a sovereign, objective unit and which takes an optimistic method to creating knowledge. In this viewpoint for the long term sustainability of the company it must have efficient and robust culture with all the stakeholders playing active part in achieving the company goals. The managers with modernist approach believe in the effect of supportive corporate culture in the fruitful performance of the company. They also accept that employees must be given proper sustainable structure in order to enable them to achieve the desi red corporate goals. Likewise, they contend that exterior influences can aid establishments to progress their performance only when the members of the organisation adopt the changes. Quantitative technique is used to evaluate and measure the influence of these perspectives with the sustainable growth of the company. Modernists establishes the support for the validation of organizational practices. Modernists incline towards the evident results or prepared conditions instead of delving into the more complex social procedures involved in achieving of those results (Chia, 1995). The managers with the bend of modern mind perspectives are trained to only aim for the improvement of efficiency and productivity using the measurable scientific methods. Modernists adopt the view that in substantial ways, the distinct behaviours of employees at workplace is the result of standards, attitudes and opinions, which might also affect other employees. The employees must be given clear job instructions and code of conduct that they must follow to ensure the growth of business in terms of profits as well as reputation in the market. This would not only ensure that the goals of the company are met with ease but also the image of the company in public is of desirable employer, helping it to achieve long term sustain ability. Contrary to the modernist believes the symbolic interpretive perspectives, looks upon an organization as a communal unit which is sustained by the existence of various human relationships. It put emphasis on the subjectivist ontology and interpretive epistemology to understand the organisation. The believer of this perspective requires interpretation and authentication which are suggestive for the sustainability of the organizational. Symbolic-interpretivist trusts that individuals can be stimulated to be effective or extra conscious with the role they play in the overall companys quest for its goals. Communal constructionist practises qualitative data collection approaches to make observation about the role of employees and success of company in achieving its targets and developing the robust sustainable corporation (Oliver, 2011). Modernist theory has its base in the Taylors philosophies about organization. Though historically his notions received many criticism as they treated workers as mere creator of value like the working machines. His approach was void of any human aspects, emotions, mental situations, etc. As per Taylorism to have a sustained effective and efficient business the employees must be given distinct responsibilities and purposes. Also it suggested that the only way to keep the employees motivated was money (Holmes and Evans, 2013). Similarly, the bureaucracy approach is an example of another modernist perspective of the traditional management theories, it was given by Max Weber and it emphasised on the regulated form of hierarchical system in the company to ensure efficiency (Scott and Davis, 2013). The Symbol Interpretivist Theory on the other hand contends on that altering the organisational culture is extremely difficult proposition. The change in culture could be brought in by the way us ing training approaches to outline ideal employee, which could be done by examining present organisational philosophy, classifying the anticipated philosophy necessary for sustained development of the company and finally evolving agendas of modification to attain the anticipated philosophy. Or in a different way by fetching in new associates to organization to share their standards and models to other associates of the company. This approach believes in using the human emotions, aspirations and desires to excel in their personal roles to gain the motives of the company. They managers tend to use these human relationships for achieving the company goals and not only maintain the sustainable success rate but also ensure to give its immediate environment due regards to achieve sustainability. The now famous initiatives taken by various companies towards the corporate social responsibilities is an example of this approach which believes in sustained growth of the company along with soci ety and environment at large (Chaudhri, 2014). Conclusion The various perspective of the organisational theories like modernism, critical, social interpretive and post-modernist assists the researchers and practitioners to comprehend the organization and its quest to achieve the sustainability. The organisation in itself is a complex array of notions and concepts and understanding it with the perspectives of modernism and symbolic interpretivist point of view, enlightens the insights about ways and procedures that the company can adopt to achieve greater sustainability. Both of these perspectives suggest their own unique procedures to achieve, improve and transmute the culture of organizational to make it conducive for the sustainability of the business. Since both have their own positive and negative aspects, it cannot be said that one perspective is better than the other. Under different circumstances both these perspectives can be utilised to achieve the goals set by the company. Since the functions applicability is situational hence it comes to the discretion and knowledge of the managers and leaders of the organisation to choose the correct perspective at correct time to work out the best possible solution for the company in the present as well as for its sustainability in the long run. They must also ensure the sustainability aspect of the environment in which the company operates, since the organisation cannot thrive in success in isolation. Thus the sustainability of organisation along with its environment is necessary for the benefit of all the stakeholders. Bibliography Boist, M. and Mckelvey, B. (2010) Integrating Modernist And Postmodernist Perspectives On Organizations: A Complexity Science Bridge, Academy of Management Review, 35(3), pp. 415433. doi: 10.5465/amr.2010.51142028. Chaudhri, V. (2014) Corporate social responsibility and the communication imperative: Perspectives from CSR managers, International Journal of Business Communication, . doi: 10.1177/2329488414525469. Chia, R. (1995) From modern to Postmodern organizational analysis, Organization Studies, 16(4), pp. 579604. doi: 10.1177/017084069501600406. Hassard, J. and Pym, D. (eds.) (2012) The theory and philosophy of organizations: Critical issues and new perspectives. London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis. Hatch, M.J. and Cunliffe, A.L. (2012) Organization theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives. 2nd edn. New York: Oxford University Press. Holmes, L. and Evans, C. (eds.) (2013) Re-Tayloring management: Scientific management a century on. United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. Kearins, K. and Gilson, C. (2005) Editorial: Theoretical perspectives on sustainability, 9(1). Oliver, C. (2011) The relationship between symbolic Interactionism and interpretive description, Qualitative Health Research, 22(3), pp. 409415. doi: 10.1177/1049732311421177. Scott, R.W. and Davis, G.F. (2013) Organizations and organizing: Rational, natural and open systems perspectives. Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson Education. Kearins, K. and Gilson, C. (2005) Editorial: Theoretical perspectives on sustainability, 9(1) and Hatch and Cunliffe, A.L. (2012) Organization theory: Modern, symbolic, and postmodern perspectives. 2nd edn. New York: Oxford University Press.